多功能語言學習專區The Language Zone




  1. 違反下列事項者記違規1次
    • 未攜帶學生證。
    • 帶飲料食物進入專區內。
    • 預約設備卻一直玩手機。
    • 在專區從事非語言學習相關活動 (例如:睡覺)。
    • 預約專區設備或參與課程活動中途離場。
    • 在未預約或未報到的情形下擅自進入教室參加課程。
    • 破壞專區整潔(例如:亂丟垃圾)。
    • 負責老師認為有反專區學習活動原則者。
  2. 符合下列情況禁權7天
    • 違規遭登記累計達3次。
    • 預約使用「多功能語言學習專區」設施,逾時10分鐘未到。
    • 預約外語自學課程活動遲到30分鐘以上。
    • 取消預約未在開始時間12小時前登入系統取消。
    • 抄襲他人閱讀學習單,遭授課老師登記者。
    • 代其他學生執行Check in。
  3. 當學期遭「禁權7天」達3次以上,則當學期禁權。
  4. 亂塗鴉或破壞設施,查獲者全學期點數歸零,禁權一學期,並依校規處理。
  5. 禁權時間內將無法進行專區設施線上預約及累計自學點數。


  1. 請準備一段大約1分鐘左右的英文短說,即可解除禁權。
    • 必須是一段有完整的短說,如果真的沒有辦法,那就選一本雜誌由助教選文章讓同學唸。
  2. 請預約一堂駐點TA(1小時),即可解除禁權。
1. The following will result in a student receiving a demerit mark on your record.
  • Not bringing student ID card
  • Bringing food and drink into the Language Zone
  • Keep using cellphone while learning
  • Doing something unrelated to learning languages
  • Leaving earlier with no reasons when using the equipment or participating in the activities
  • Getting into the class without reservation or permission
  • Leaving garbage in the Language Zone
2. The following will result in a student being banned from using the Language Zone. One session of a suspension lasts for one week.
  • Receiving three or more demerit marks on your record
  • Checking into the Zone 10 or more minutes late or failing to show up during the reserved time
  • Failing to cancel a Zone reservation within 12 hours of appointment time
  • Plagiarizing on the English Reading Worksheet
  • Using other students’ ID card to check in
3. Upon being banned three times, he/she will not be allowed to make reservations for time at the Zone or receive any stamps for Zone activities.
4. Damaging the equipment or the environment will result in the student being banned for the whole semester and will be punished based on the school regulations.
Doing "1" or "2" to unlock one ban; doing "1" and "2" to unlock three bans.
  1. Giving a one-minute oral presentation in English. The presentation must be themed and original
    • If the student is not able to complete the presentation, TA can pick one article from the magazine to have the student read it.
  2. Participating in a TA session (an hour)