序號 |
期刊論文名稱 |
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Kuo-Kuang Fan 1 and Yi-Ting Chang 2, (Jan 2023), Exploring the Key Elements of Sustainable Design from a So- cial Responsibility Perspective: A Case Study of Fast Fashion Consumers' Evaluation of Green Projects , Sustainability , Sustainability 2023, Volume 15, (Sustainability 2023, Volume 15, ), Sustainability 2023, Volume 15, Issue 2, 995. (SSCI) |
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Yi-Ting Changa Hsi-Hsun Yangb, (Jul 2021), Semantic Discontinuities between Designers’ Product Expressions and Consumer Impressions in Clothing Catalogs , IDSFC研討會 , 0 (0), 0. (其他) |
3 |
Kuo-Kuang Fan 1 and Yi-Ting Chang 2, (Jul 2021), Study on the Detection of Semantic Discontinuity between Product Expression and Consumer Perception of Apparel Products , Journal of Design Studies,5(1) , Journal of Design Studies,5(1) (Journal of Design Studies,5(1)), Journal of Design Studies,5(1). (其他) |
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Kuo-Kuang Fan 1 and Yi-Ting Chang 2, (Jan 2021), A Study on the Detection of Semantic Discontinuity between Product Expression and Consumer Perception of Apparel Products. , The International Conference On Design with Intelligence and Humanity. , 0 (0), 0. (其他) |
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張怡婷 洪瑞斌, (Dec 2018), 生命敘說作為專業反思與發展之方法:一位設計師的奇幻探險旅程 , 生命敘說與心理傳記學 , 6 (6), 117. (TSSCI) |